Security Officer Guard Card 40 hours


40 hour course complies with BSIS requirements for training of security officers in California & includes Less Lethal Certification. The combined cost for all three courses totals $400 however if completed within one week, the discounted rate is $350.00.

There is a non-refundable fee of $15.  If you cannot make the course, please call or email to reschedule prior to the course.  If you do not show up and request a refund after the course, we will retain the $15.


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This course includes all three required levels:

  • Phase One (level I) 8 hours
  • Phase Two (level II) 16 hours
  • Phase Three (level III) 16 hours

The advantage in taking all three levels in one week, besides the financial discount, is that guard employers almost always prefer their guards are fully trained. The employer who hires a guard with just the phase one (8) hours will be required to make sure that guard takes the next level within 30 days.

This 40-hour course includes a detailed breakdown on the Powers to Arrest on the first day. The remaining portion of the course is lecture, practical application, and certification with Less Lethal such as CEW, pepper spray, and more. Many laws will be addressed such as Arrest Search and Seizure, the use of Deadly Force, and Constitutional and Common Law.

Students will also be trained in Escalation of Force, Report Writing, and First Responder responsibilities. The course also covers courtroom and witness training as well as public and law enforcement relations.

During Phase I, SAFTA instructors will assist you with the submission of the application to the BSIS as well as the “Live-Scan.”

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