While primarily focused on defensive, combat, and instinct shooting, SAFTA’s course will address the following:
• Legal aspects in the possession of firearms
• Rules and regulations regarding California firearms laws
• Shoot/No-Shoot decision making
• Care and handling of firearms
• Transportation and carrying of firearms
• Home defense laws and regulations
• Alternative devices other than lethal
• Escalation of force
Citizens desiring to obtain concealed weapons permits must check with the law enforcement agency either within their area of residence or business. An application should be filed with that agency to determine that agency’s regulations and criteria for the issuance of a concealed weapon permit. Most applications can be found on the corresponding County websites. Training is generally one of the last steps in the process. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure they are taking the course at the appropriate time. Please contact us, or the issuing agency, for further information. THIS COURSE IS FOR SACRAMENTO COUNTY RESIDENTS ONLY.
– Targets included.
– Student must qualify with the specific weapons they wish to have listed on their permits.
– Eye protection and hearing protection available to borrow.
– Student to provide their own ammunition – need 100 rounds per weapon – may be available for purchase at the range. Two magazines per weapon.
– (NO AMMUNITION ALLOWED IN OUR FACILITY) You won’t need ammo until Day 2.
– Range fee included.
– Cost covers one weapon. Each additional weapon is $10. (These fees will be collected on site the day of the course)