Advanced Security Officer Training
If you are interested in purchasing this ASO course, or would like to see if you may be eligible for 100% financial assistance, please contact SherryAnn Banks by emailing
This 80-hour (two week) package includes training, tuition, books, licensing and permits, Livescan, ammunition and range fees, and an equipment package outlined below.

The advanced security training begins with levels one thru three of Guard Card training, which amongst many other things, covers the following:
- Powers to arrest & weapons of mass destruction
- Advanced Report writing
- Officer survival self defense
- Criminal law and civil law constitutional law
- Crimes against persons and property
- Arrest search and seizure laws
- Penal Code sections related to the use of deadly force
- First responder responsibilities
- Courtroom and witness training
- Public and law enforcement relations
- Constitutional law (Bill of rights) as they apply to the security officer
Security & Firearms Training Academy
SAFTA is California’s Top Rated Guard Card, Firearms, and Advanced Security academy with nearly 100 years of combined Military, Law Enforcement, and Private Security experience.
As a single, all inclusive course, the ASO training also certifies students in Less Lethals to include handcuffing, TASER, stun gun, pepper spray, and tear gas. This course will also provide detailed instruction and certification in Exposed Firearms, Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) if applicable, and Baton proficiency and certification. The firearms portion of the course will address the following:
- Legal aspects in the possession of firearms
- Rules and regulations regarding California firearms laws
- Shoot/No-Shoot decision making
- Care and handling of firearms
- Transportation and carrying of firearms
- Escalation of force
- Moral and legal use of the handgun for defense

With the purchase of this course, all fees will be covered for BSIS licensing and permits (guard card, baton, and firearms), to include all Livescan (fingerprinting) fees. All ammunition and range fees are also covered to practice and qualify in two calibers for the Firearms License. You will also be receiving books, binders, and the following ASO equipment package, which is designed to make you employment-ready upon certification:
- Double Lock Handcuffs and Cuff Case
- Side-Handle Baton or Straight Baton Holder
- Side Handle, or Straight Collapsible Baton
- Aerosol Defense Canister Holder
- Duty Belt with Four Belt Keepers
- Multi-fit Radio Pouch

With the purchase of this course, all fees will be covered for BSIS licensing and permits (guard card, baton, and firearms), to include all Livescan (fingerprinting) fees. All ammunition and range fees are also covered to practice and qualify in two calibers for the Firearms License. You will also be receiving books, binders, and the following ASO equipment package, which is designed to make you employment-ready upon certification:
- Double Lock Handcuffs and Cuff Case
- Side-Handle Baton or Straight Baton Holder
- Side Handle, or Straight Collapsible Baton
- Aerosol Defense Canister Holder
- Duty Belt with Four Belt Keepers
- Multi-fit Radio Pouch